Living Word Baptist Church

4934 E. 21st Street, Indianapolis, IN 46218

(317) 322-5874 ~


Our Pastor & His Wife

Rev. Dr. Reginald B. Fletcher


Vanessa L. Fletcher

First Lady

Rev. Dr. Reginald B. Fletcher & Vanessa L. Fletcher

Dr. Reginald B. Fletcher  was born in Chicago, Illinois and is the proud son of Lucille Manning. The call to preach has been on him since he was a little boy. Raised in Indianapolis Indiana, he was active in the community and several small business ventures. Pastor Fletcher is an amateur carpenter and enjoys building things. His focus now is to build people for God who will take the world for God one soul at a time. Pastor Fletcher lives by his favorite scripture, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain” – Philippians 1:21.

Pastor Fletcher graduated from Indiana University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Public Administration and a Master’s Degree in Special Education and is a former high school teacher. Pastor Fletcher is a student of the word of God; he completed his Doctorate of Christian Education from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, MO. He believes that we should be lifelong learners and continues studying in various fields of knowledge. He has a passion to bring the church of Christ together for Kingdom Building. He desires to work in concert with sister churches and community to advance the Kingdom of Christ, meeting spiritual and human needs. Pastor Fletcher and Living Word have a three-pronged focus to ministry to Share the Gospel, Build Community, and Develop Kingdom Soldiers to the glory of God.

Rev. Reginald B. Fletcher founded and organized Living Word Baptist Church on December 20, 1992. The membership consisted of five adults and seven children. The church was housed in the community center of the Beechwood Gardens public housing and later rented space from Macedonia Baptist Church on East 34th Street. They purchased their first building in May of 1993 and built their present facility in 2001. Pastor Fletcher was the project general contractor. He and his wife have faithfully led Living Word Baptist Church since 1990. Pastor Fletcher and First Lady Vanessa have one daughter, Charlene and one granddaughter, Laila.


Vanessa Scruggs Fletcher, a native of Harvey, Illinois, is the wife of Rev. Dr. Reginald B. Fletcher and first lady of Living Word Baptist Church in Indianapolis, IN. Mrs. Fletcher came to Living Word in 1991 upon her marriage to Pastor Fletcher. Vanessa has a heart for the children and the people of God and is a true helpmate to her husband.

Vanessa graduated from Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Indiana in 1983 with a bachelor's degree in early childhood education and a Kindergarten Endorsement, she continued on to receive her master's degree from Butler University, Indianapolis, Indiana in Education Administration. Vanessa worked 14 years as Kindergarten Teacher in the Indianapolis Public School System, 15 years as Assistant Director at Child Care Answers Resource and Referral Agency, 4 years as Center Director at Day Early Learning Lilly Family Center and is currently retired, volunteering for the Lord!

First Lady Fletcher is a woman that truly believes in the power of prayer.  She coaches alongside Pastor Fletcher, couples desiring marriage.  She often ministers to the women of the congregation and is loving and gentle- but honest as she points them to the word as a guide for their life.   

First Lady Fletcher strives to live by her favorite scripture, “Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice.” (Philippians 4:4)

2024- Celebrating 34 years at Living Word Baptist Church


